
2013 西班牙葡萄牙自駕之旅 Day 9 (2) Porto 吓~~星期日唔做生意....又去遊酒窖

之後繼續行就會去到Rail Station Sao Bento 聖本圖火車站,呢個站係本來尋日想來睇嘅。呢個火車站都幾靚,入面有好多磁磚畫,個火車站家下都重用緊嘅。

聖本篤車站(葡萄牙語Estação de São Bento)是葡萄牙城市波爾圖的一個火車站,1916年啟用,以展現葡萄牙歷史的2萬幅瓷磚畫著稱。它位於市中心的阿爾梅達加勒特廣場。

第一個就係叫自由廣場Praça da Liberdade,呢個廣場都幾大下。 

自由廣場(葡萄牙語Praça da Liberdade)是葡萄牙城市波爾圖的一個廣場,位於下城的聖伊爾德豐索堂區。
該廣場源於1718年,稱為新廣場(Praça Nova)。最初,廣場被中世紀城牆和城市宮殿所包圍,現在這些都不存在了。1788年以後, Lóios 修會在廣場南側建造了一個修道院,取代了中世紀城牆,雄偉的新古典主義立面,即今日的 Cardosas 宮(Palácio das Cardosas),是廣場上現存最古老的建築,主宰著廣場南側,已有200多年。
1866年,在廣場中間樹立了由法國雕塑家 Anatole Calmels創作的佩德羅四世的騎馬雕像。
1916年後,廣場的外觀改變甚多,市政廳被拆除,廣場北側建成現代化的同盟大道(Avenida dos Aliados)。自由廣場和大道周圍的建築物都被銀行,酒店,餐廳和辦公室佔用。這是該市一個重要旅遊景點。

係呢個廣場上面重有一座唔記得係咩來嘅,個地圖話係教堂。之後我哋就行去睇呢個小禮拜堂CAPELA DAS ALMAS,呢個小禮拜堂特別之處就係佢個外表係用好多磁磚砌成一D畫,非常之靚。


A Charming Blue-and-White Church
This 18th century chapel halfway between the pedestrian Santa Catarina Street was given a remarkable tiled decoration all over its exterior walls in the early 20th century by painter and ceramist Eduardo Leite.
The panels depict "The Death of St. Francis of Assisi," "The Saint in the presence of Pope Honorious III," and "The Martyrdom of St. Catherine." 

The Chapel of Souls or Chapel of Santa Catarina is a chapel located in the parish of St. Ildefonso, in the city of Porto, in Portugal. Its construction dates back to the beginning of the century. XVIII. The chapel has two bodies, the second lowest, and has undergone expansion and renovation that changed the original style in 1801. The coating consists of 15,947 tiles covering roughly 360 square meters wall. The tiles on the chapel are by Eduardo Leite and were executed by Factory Viuva Lamego, Lisbon. Date from 1929 and represent scenes from the life of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Catherine, who are worshiped in the chapel. The main façade, especially the stained glass representing the souls run in the nineteenth century by the painter Amand Silva.

叫傳統市場 Mercado do Bolhão,都係係附近來,不過行行下好似迷失咗方向咁,於是就問下路人呢個市場係邊到,點知去到又係閂咗門,因為今日係星期日….

咁無得睇我哋就行去食嘢啦,呢個市場行去食嘢個到都幾近,我哋行到去個時發現…..閂咗門~~~~真係~~又無得食添~~無得食咁點算呢 ? 我哋咪唯有去附近嘅地方到繼續睇下有無D餐廳開嘅呢,係附近都又一兩間開咗,不過全部都係葡文,一隻英文字同相都無。咁啱係呢間食店對面有一間幾大嘅超市係到,咁我哋就買定聽日嘅早餐同埋今晚嘅晚餐材料先。

行行下去到一條好似購物街嘅街到,不過好多店舖都係閂咗門,行經一個商場,就咁睇以為佢係無開門。之後我哋就行入去睇下啦,順便睇下又無廁所用下,呢個商場個頂樓有個 Food Court係到,不過就無嘢啱我哋食。去完廁所,諗住返去住宿附近個到個間餐廳到睇下有無得食,不過再諗下,都係搏唔過。

一陣去到又係休息咁點算呢 ? 於是我哋就去咗頭先係自由廣場個到見都個間麥當當到開餐,呢一間麥當當都幾靚,佢哋重有湯飲,我哋返到去西班牙個時再係麥當當到食嘢個陣都見唔返呢隻湯啦。

食完嘢,我哋就繼續睇埋餘下嘅景點。第一個就係Torre dos Clérigos塔樓教士教堂 & Igreja dos Clérigos小教堂

教士教堂(葡萄牙語Igreja dos Clérigos)是葡萄牙城市波爾圖的一座巴洛克教堂,其高聳的鐘樓教士塔(Torre dos Clérigos)在全市各處都可見到,是該市最具特色的標誌之一。
這座教堂由義大利建築師Nicolau Nasoni興建於1732年到1750年前後。教堂前宏偉的樓梯完成於1750年代。教堂的立面裝飾著複雜的巴洛克圖案(如花環和貝殼)。

呢個塔係可以入來參觀嘅,重可以上埋塔頂,不過要行二百幾級樓梯先到頂,我哋都係係外面個到睇下算啦(話時話,我哋好多景點都係係外面睇就算架啦)。之後,就去附近到睇下全球十大最靚嘅書店Livraria Lello & Irmão,不過唔好意思,都係閂門大吉架~~~

Livraria Lello & Irmão, also known as Livraria Chardron or simply Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore) is a bookstore located in central PortoPortugal.
Along with Bertrand in Lisbon, it is one of the oldest bookstores in Portugal. In 2011, the travel publishing company Lonely Planet classified Livraria Lello as the third best bookstore in the world.
History and developments[edit]
The actual company goes back to the establishment of the "Livraria Internacional de Ernesto Chardron" in 1869, down in the Clérigos street. After the early passing of the founder at the age of 45, the firm was sold to "Lugan & Genelioux Sucessores".
In 1881, José Pinto de Sousa Lello established a bookstore in the nearby Almada street. In 1894, Mathieux Logan sold the old Chardron Library to José Lello which, holding a partnership with his brother Antonio Lello, kept Chardron with the registered name of "Sociedade José Pinto Sousa Lello & Irmão", which then would be referred to as "Livraria Lello e Irmão" (1919).


2 則留言:

  1. St Bento station's ceramic walls are beautiful. The Livraria Lello & Irmão bookstore is really like an art.

    1. 個車站其實都幾特別~~好多磁磚畫係到~~~

