
2013 西班牙葡萄牙自駕之旅 Day 11 (1) Avila 過門而不入的城市~~

Day 11 5/11/2013
Salamanca > Avila > Segovia > Consuegra > Toledo
行走里數 : 412km

今日我哋會去幾個地方睇嘢,第一個地方就係去 Avila ,食完早餐,我哋大概8點到就出發,尋日泊係街位都無咩問題,都幾好 !!
我哋8點幾出發,第一站就係去 Avila ,呢個 Avila 主要係睇佢哋嘅古城牆 (Muralla medieval ),所以我哋都係係外圍到影相就去下一個景點喇。不過其實係城入面都有其他嘅景點,好似教堂、修道院同埋皇宮之類嘅建築物
The Walls of Ávila in central Spain, completed between the 11th and 14th centuries, are the city's principal historic feature.
The work was started in 1090 but most of the walls appear to have been rebuilt in the 12th century. The enclosed area is an irregular rectangle of 31 hectares with a perimeter of some 2,516 meters, including 88 semicircular towers. The walls have an average breadth of 3 metres and an average height of 12 metres. The nine gates were completed over several different periods. The Puerta de San Vicente (Gate of St Vincent) and Puerta del Alcazar (Gate of the Fortress) are flanked by twin towers, 20 metres high, linked by a semicircular arch. The apse of the cathedral also forms one of the towers. The fortifications are the most complete in Spain.
It is possible to walk upon the walls themselves for roughly half their circumference. Whilst some of the walls will never be navigable in this way because of their integration into other structures, there is a large stretch of the walls that have yet to be made safe for pedestrians.

The site was registered as a National Monument in 1884. In 1985, the old city of Ávila and its extramural churches were declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO.



 哈哈~~Picasa D特別功能可以自己整一張會郁嘅相,只要你係同一個為到影咗好多張相,佢就會將佢合併

 都無咩影架車仔添..影返張先,其實都幾靚仔架 :)

2 則留言:

  1. Avila's city wall is magnificent. It is worth to have a stroll over the city.

    1. 嘻嘻~~無咩時間,所以都係到此一遊

