
2013 西班牙葡萄牙自駕之旅 Day 14 (3) Barcelona 嘩哈哈~~我哋又食 Buffet 喇...

之後我哋就去睇下高第另外一個作品Casa Calvet 卡彿之家,其實行過去都幾近架。但係呢一棟嘢就無其他嘅咁出名,所以基本上我哋去到個時係無人係出面影相,重有呢一棟嘢好似入面係無人咁。係網上面睇到呢到好似係一間餐廳來嘅,但係我哋睇就唔多似~~

Casa Calvet (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈkazə kəɫˈβɛt]) is a building, designed by Antoni Gaudí for a textile manufacturer which served as both a commercial property (in the basement and on the ground floor) and a residence. It is located at Carrer de Casp 48, Eixample district of Barcelona.

Gaudí scholars agree that this building is the most conventional of his works, partly because it had to be squeezed in between older structures and partly because it was sited in one of the most elegant sections of Barcelona. Its symmetry, balance and orderly rhythm are unusual for Gaudí's works. However, the curves and double gable at the top, the projecting oriel at the entrance— almost baroque in its drama, and isolated witty details are modernista elements.
Bulging balconies alternate with smaller, shallower balconies. Mushrooms above the oriel at the center allude to the owner's favorite hobby.
Columns flanking the entrance are in the form of stacked bobbins— an allusion to the family business of textile manufacture. Lluís Permanyer claims that "the gallery at ground level is the facade's most outstanding feature, a daring combination of wrought iron and stone in which decorative historical elements such as a cypress, an olive tree, horns of plenty, and the Catalan coat of arms can be discerned".
Three sculpted heads at the top also allude to the owner: One is Sant Pere Màrtir Calvet i Carbonell (the owner's father) and two are patron saints of Vilassar, Andreu Calvet's home town.
Between 1899 and 1906, the Arts Building Annual Award (Concurso anual de edificios artísticos) awarded modernist pieces, like the Casa Calvet, the Casa Lleó Morera and the Casa Trinxet.[1]

之後我哋就去睇呢個加泰羅尼亞音樂廳 (Palau de la Música Catalana),行行下見到有間食日式Buffet嘅餐廳,我哋又入去睇下有咩食啦,有好多海鮮嘢食,都幾好咁,咁我哋就座低開餐喇~~

4 則留言:

  1. 你好似連續食咗⋯⋯三日buffet?


    1. 嘻嘻...見到又唔係貴咪去食囉..佢哋其他餐廳食個餐都係咁上下

  2. Buffet is not expensive for only 9 euro.

    1. EUR$9真係幾抵...所以我哋先去食

