2010 土耳其自駕之旅
24/10/2010 Day 4
Izmir : Saat Kulesi(Konak 廣場 鐘塔)、Agora 市集
Selcuk : St.John Kilisesi(聖約翰教堂)、 Isa bey Camii(伊莎貝清真寺)、Efes Orenyeri(以弗所遺跡)、Yedi Uyurlar、Artemis Tapnagi (月神殿遺址)、Efes Arkeoloji Muzesi (以弗所考古學博物館)、Seven Sleepers(七睡人教會) & Meryam Ana Evi (聖母瑪利亞之家)、Sirince Koyu (Sirince 村)
: Kasadasi Town Centre & Guvercin Ada (Pigeon Island) 鴿子島
我哋睇完個 Artemis Tapnagi (月神殿遺址) ,之後就去附近嘅景點喇。睇地圖,附近有幾個景點包括St.John
Kilisesi(聖約翰教堂)、 Isa
bey Camii(伊莎貝清真寺) 同埋Efes
Arkeoloji Muzesi (以弗所考古學博物館) 。我哋首先我哋就去伊莎貝清真寺喇,點知Miss咗個路口,咁就泊係個以弗所考古學博物館到喇。開頭以為係唔洗俾錢啦,點知後尾有個人孭住個袋行過來唔知講咩,睇個款應該係要收錢,但係個到又無話要收錢喎,不過都無計。唔俾一陣唔知有咩發生,但係要收成TL$5都幾貴下,早知就泊係伊莎貝清真寺個邊啦,家下重要行過去添。咁我哋就順便去睇下呢個博物館啦,要收入場費個喎,不過唔睇到要幫襯下佢哋個廁所。需要個收費係要TL$2架,平過泊車費架,不過我哋對於D博物館又唔係好大興趣,同埋我哋要留時間睇大景點,所以就無入去啦。影幾張相就去附近嘅其他景點到睇下啦! 然後我哋就行咗去附近嘅伊莎貝清真寺到睇睇啦,唔洗俾入場費,啱晒我哋喇。
開頭我哋以為個個細細間個間就係St.John Kilisesi(聖約翰教堂)咩添,之後睇返資料,原來我哋係無去到嘅,個間St.John Kilisesi(聖約翰教堂)原來係係山上面架....
首頁發現館,錢幣和寶物,墓葬發現霍爾阿蒂米斯,廳,皇帝廳組織的邪教。除了這些會堂,博物館和各種園林裝飾在中間的花園,並兼容上展出的建築和雕塑作品。 Artemis的兩個大雕像,愛神頭,尤努斯愛神雕像,蘇格拉底,以弗所博物館是一些世界知名的著名作品。
1 - Arasta浴部:博物館附近的花園中,創建誠信,並獲得在土耳其的老鎮的商業生活失去了博物館展出的各種手工藝品活著。依靠農業,擁有在當地生活的重要場所,穀物製粉系統(廠)和不同類型的發展;銅和建設gözboncuğu土耳其帳篷,土耳其在舊建築和16節展覽世紀奧斯曼浴池恢復和展覽面積。
2 - Ayasuluk庫:一個古老的土耳其以弗所博物館後面的街道(14世紀),恢復由博物館和附近的居民,並給出了一個小型圖書館可以閱讀每天的報紙或書籍的功能,建設。
3 - 視障博物館:以弗所,恢復的Agora的視障gezebileceği古董轉換成一個博物館商店之一。在這個博物館中展出的副本和原作品由兩部分組成。
The Ephesus Museum (Efes Müzesi), located near the entrance
to the Basilica
of St. John in Selçuk, displays excavations from the ancient city of Ephesus . The main
highlights are two statues of the Ephesian Artemis, frescoes and mosaics.
to the Basilica
of St. John in Selçuk, displays excavations from the ancient city of Ephesus . The main
highlights are two statues of the Ephesian Artemis, frescoes and mosaics.
What to See
The first exhibit one comes to in the museum is the Roman
Period House Finds Room, with artifacts from the Slope Houses owned by
upper-class Ephesians. Among the interesting household items recovered are a
bronze Eros with the Dolphin from a 2nd-century fountain and a faded
3rd-century fresco of Socrates. There is also a ithyphallic figurine of Bes,
found near the brothel.
Of Egyptian origin, Bes was a protector of motherhood and childbearing.
Period House Finds Room, with artifacts from the Slope Houses owned by
upper-class Ephesians. Among the interesting household items recovered are a
bronze Eros with the Dolphin from a 2nd-century fountain and a faded
3rd-century fresco of Socrates. There is also a ithyphallic figurine of Bes,
found near the brothel.
Of Egyptian origin, Bes was a protector of motherhood and childbearing.
Also in display in the museum is the Ivory Frieze from an
upper story of one of the Slope Houses, which depicts the emperor Trajan and
his Roman soldiers battling barbarians. Other everyday items include a
collection of medical and cosmetic tools, used by the important medical
school in Roman Ephesus, and a wall of portraits of Ephesian physicians.
upper story of one of the Slope Houses, which depicts the emperor Trajan and
his Roman soldiers battling barbarians. Other everyday items include a
collection of medical and cosmetic tools, used by the important medical
school in Roman Ephesus, and a wall of portraits of Ephesian physicians.
One of the most impressive and illuminating sections in the museum
is dedicated to the mother goddess and dominated by two colossal statues
of Artemis. One is called "Beautiful Artemis" and dates from the 1st
century AD; the other is "Great Artemis" from the 2nd century AD.
is dedicated to the mother goddess and dominated by two colossal statues
of Artemis. One is called "Beautiful Artemis" and dates from the 1st
century AD; the other is "Great Artemis" from the 2nd century AD.
Both Artemis statues feature rows of intriguing protuberances,
which most scholars now think are bull testicles, but were previously thought
to be breasts or eggs. Regardless, they are all symbols related to fertility.
(See Artemis of
Ephesus for more details on the goddess and her image.)
which most scholars now think are bull testicles, but were previously thought
to be breasts or eggs. Regardless, they are all symbols related to fertility.
(See Artemis of
Ephesus for more details on the goddess and her image.)
Recoveries from monumental fountains include a beautiful headless Aphrodite,
a head of Zeus dating to the 1st century AD, a statue of a youthful Dionysus with
a satyr and statues of Dionysus with members of the imperial family (these last
are from the Fountain of Trajan).
a head of Zeus dating to the 1st century AD, a statue of a youthful Dionysus with
a satyr and statues of Dionysus with members of the imperial family (these last
are from the Fountain of Trajan).
More monumental artifacts are displayed in the courtyards,
including the pediment from the Temple
of Augustus ( Isis Temple ).
It has been reassembled using the original statues, which had been used in the
Fountain of Polio after the temple was destroyed. Also out here is a Sarcophagus
with Muses from the 3rd century AD and the Ephesus Monument ,
inscribed with tax regulations, which was issued by Emperor Nero in 62 AD.
including the pediment from the Temple
of Augustus ( Isis Temple ).
It has been reassembled using the original statues, which had been used in the
Fountain of Polio after the temple was destroyed. Also out here is a Sarcophagus
with Muses from the 3rd century AD and the Ephesus Monument ,
inscribed with tax regulations, which was issued by Emperor Nero in 62 AD.
The final exhibit contains Roman sculptures, the most important of
which is afrieze from the Temple
of Hadrian. A copy of the frieze is in the original position on the elegant
temple among the ruins. The frieze depicts the founding of Ephesus , the birth of the cult of Artemis,
and the flight of the Amazons. Some of the original sections are now in Vienna .
which is afrieze from the Temple
of Hadrian. A copy of the frieze is in the original position on the elegant
temple among the ruins. The frieze depicts the founding of Ephesus , the birth of the cult of Artemis,
and the flight of the Amazons. Some of the original sections are now in Vienna .
Quick Facts
Names: | Ephesus Museum, Efes Müzesi |
Type of site: | Museum with religious artifacts |
Location: | On the edge of the park near the intersection of Atatürk Cad., opposite the Tourist Information office |
Phone: | 0232/892-6010 |
Hours: | Tues-Sun 8:30am-6pm |
Hi ! Why no people in 伊莎貝清真寺 ? I always think there are believers praying. Also, so few people everywhere.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/25/2012 19:26:04]其實如果唔係大熱點,基本上係土耳其好多地方都係得好少人出現~~~哈哈~~係個清真寺入面有人嘅,不過係影個時就返D角度,影唔都其他人啫
thanks sharing!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/28/2012 21:32:43]you're welcome...考完試 ?